Danny W. Gnewikow, PhD, FAAA
Audiologist, CCC
Founder & Chief Audiologist


Danville, VA
(434) 799-6288

Lynchburg, VA
(434) 528-4245

Educational Videos & Blog

Hearing Aid Paved Into Asphalt and Still Works Three Years Later
Danny Gnewikow

Hearing Aid Paved Into Asphalt and Still Works Three Years Later

After having purchased a hearing aid through our office several years prior, a patient later realized that his hearing aid was missing.  After searching for it to no avail, the patient decided to replace the hearing aid with a newer model through our office, as the lost hearing aid was no longer in warranty.  Years later and still curious as to where he might have misplaced the original hearing aid, the patient was surprised to locate it – paved into the asphalt of the parking lot at his work.  The parking lot had been repaved about the time he lost his hearing aid.  After retrieving it from the asphalt, the patient returned to our office, where our audiologists cleaned the hearing aid and were astonished to find that it was still in good working condition!

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