Danny W. Gnewikow, PhD, FAAA
Audiologist, CCC
Founder & Chief Audiologist


Danville, VA
(434) 799-6288

Lynchburg, VA
(434) 528-4245

Educational Videos & Blog

Danny Gnewikow

Audiologist Credentials vs. Hearing Aid Specialist Credentials

A fully licensed AUDIOLOGIST must possess the following credentials:

  • Bachelor's degree (this usually represents 4 years of college), plus
  • Doctorate degree in Audiology Sciences:
    • An Au.D which represents 4 years of post-Bachelor’s degree work, and university training in Audiology which includes a 1 year internship program, or
    • A Ph.D. in audiology, a research degree which represents 4 to 6 years of post-Bachelor’s degree work and usually also includes a 1 year internship program.

The Hearing Aid Specialist License (obtained by HEARING AID DEALERS) grants the licensee the permit to sell hearing aids, NOT to provide audiological diagnostic services. The following are minimum requirements to obtain a Hearing Aid Specialist License:

  • A high school diploma or a passing grade on a GED exam and
  • A passing grade on a State of Virginia Hearing Aid License Examination.

Who do you want to provide your hearing testing and the fitting of your hearing aid?

a. An individual with only a high school or GED education?


b. An Audiologist with 8 years of college and graduate university coursework in hearing sciences?

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