Danny W. Gnewikow, PhD, FAAA
Audiologist, CCC
Founder & Chief Audiologist


Danville, VA
(434) 799-6288

Lynchburg, VA
(434) 528-4245

Educational Videos & Blog

Danny Gnewikow

Diabetic Patients Encouraged To Have Hearing Evaluations

Researchers have found that people with diabetes are 2.15 times as likely as people without diabetes to have hearing loss. In fact, individuals in younger age groups were shown to be at an even greater risk of hearing loss. As a result, individuals with diabetes should have hearing screenings at earlier ages than people without the disease.

These early screenings are especially important since untreated hearing loss can lead to other health problems such as depression and dementia. Furthermore, studies have suggested that individuals with well-managed diabetes have better hearing than diabetic patients whose diabetes is not controlled. Therefore, controlling one's diabetes and having routine hearing screenings can help maintain better hearing and better health. Because hearing evaluations are often overlooked in routine patient care of people with diabetes, it is important to spread the word about the importance of hearing tests in diabetic patients.

For more information about diabetes and hearing loss, visit www.BetterHearing.org and http://ow.ly/uyuHt.

(Adapted from an article by the Better Hearing Institute) 

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